We have recently been marking World Mental Health day 2020, with the #DoOneThing call to action to either maintain good mental health for yourself or to reach out to someone else. So we thought we would share what we do..
Since 2016 Swansway Group, has have worked in partnership with Circus Starr. Circus Starr is a not for profit organisation that brings all the fun of the circus to the: nearly 1.5 million UK who families can’t afford a single day out together; and to the 50% of families with disabled children, who say that the stigma and discrimination they face makes them feel isolated. Circus Starr invites families with all kinds of different needs to have fun together in a safe, welcoming and unique atmosphere.
What we do, is for every vehicle sold on the Motability Scheme to a Motability customer, we donate £20 which enables a child and a carer to go to a Circus Starr show. This year alone we have donated £5,460, even after a difficult period during this global pandemic. This brings our total donation to over £67k, which equates to 6,700 tickets to all the fun of the circus, for those who wouldn’t usually be able to go, and innumerable #SwanswaySmiles.
Helping such a worthwhile, inspiring project, in line with our Swansway family values makes us very proud – every day.