For most, investments are not a pressing topic, best left for another day. Yet just a little time spent on our financial affairs can yield long term benefits.
Here are a few areas to consider when entering the investment arena.
Time horizon
Time in the market vs timing the market: investments historically perform better when left undisturbed. Strategies will vary from firm to firm but your time horizon will often determine what risk the wealth manager can utilise to achieve your objective and the investment strategy to get to your ultimate goal.
Risk and Return requirements
Understanding what you require from the investments and the risk you are willing to withstand to achieve the objective. You may be looking to mitigate inheritance tax, provide an income in retirement or perhaps set aside funds for your dependants.
Capacity and attitude toward risk varies immensely between individuals, therefore understanding your own is a vital consideration.
Asset allocation
A defining role in achieving superior investment returns: ensuring the investments are spread across a range of economies, sectors, geographies and investment classes is vital. Asset allocation enables diversification and may have an improved impact on a portfolio’s investment return than simply stock picking.
Tax efficiency
Whether your wealth has been accumulated, earned, inherited or perhaps gifted, somewhere along the line tax has likely been paid.
Wealth managers may look to shelter investments from tax where possible and perhaps futureproof your wealth when passing it on to ensure that wealth is shielded from Inheritance tax as much as possible.
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