'Unbroken' follows Ian and Tina who share their stories of life before and after prison, including joining the rehabilitation programme offered by the Preston-based company.
Ian lost a promising career in the Army to drug addiction, while Tina story was a struggling mother taking risks to support her family.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCDTl0N6AL4[/embed]
Statistics show that a vast majority of offenders such as Ian and Tina would re-offend within one year of release due to limited opportunities for housing, work or personal support.By offering training, work and housing opportunities, Recycling Lives is aiming to reverse this trend and has created one of the most effective offender rehabilitation programmes of its kind in the UK.
The pair featured in the film both worked in one of Recycling Lives’ 10 HMP Academies, which are prison-based workshops where men and women work on waste management contracts to develop skills and confidence while in prison.On release they were supported into skilled jobs with the recycling business.
Steve Jackson, founder of Recycling Lives, said: “This powerful film shows the massive difference a person can make to their life, changing for the better, when they are given support, stability and hope.“At Recycling Lives we offer training, employment and accommodation opportunities, as well as intensive personal support, to help men and women like Ian and Tina. We aren’t seeking pity or forgiveness for their lives before prison. We are simply showing the positive impact for individuals, families and communities in helping people on release."
Steven added: “Nationally, up to 67 per cent of offenders reoffend on release - often because of the unstable lives they are released to, without work, decent housing or support. At Recycling Lives, just 3 per cent of offenders reoffend, making ours the most effective offender rehabilitation programme of its kind in the country." Recycling Lives’ work is proving to be successful not only for individuals and its business, which last year grew by 47 per cent, but for society too. By reducing reoffending rates, preventing interventions from the criminal justice system, its programmes create savings for the taxpayer worth millions each year.