Having worked with many people over the years, the evergreen comments are:"Can you make me look ten years younger?”“Can you make me thinner?”“Can you get rid of these wrinkles/bags under eyes/double chin/spots etc?"“I take an awful photograph’!’“Do I really look like that?!”
I am very much into showing how people really look rather than an instagrammed over photoshopped version of themselves.
It has its place, but in the business world you don’t want a client turning up and not recognising you because you look totally different.
There are a few ways to make yourself look the best but it does involve a little prep.
Ok, a lot of people forget they are going to be photographed and as a result are probably not looking their best.
So here are a few hints and tips, I realise it is not always possible to follow them due to well….life, but it gives you a few pointers
Make sure it is in your diary and you have a reminder the day before. Be well rested in the days or at least the night before - Being hungover/lacking sleep etc. does not make for a nice portrait, trust me on this one. Drink plenty of water, it is pretty well documented that being well hydrated makes the skin look fresher. Iron your shirt/blouse/jumper/t-shirt etc. It can be photoshopped but this just involves extra post-production expense. If you wear make-up, try to go for the natural look. Comb/brush your hair. Some people are really good at grooming. others not so. Finally, try not to be too nervous (easier said than done!!), I won’t bite and really will try and make you look your best.These are quite simple things and really do make a difference. Images can be photoshopped to get rid of that spot that suddenly appeared or a bit of gentle softening but looking how you really look, to me is the more authentic way.