An investor’s overall goal may be simple, but the financial environment is anything but.
The global economy is volatile and very fast-moving. The days of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ investment approach are defunct.
Investors need to have viable options and approaches. Becketts has three distinct styles of investing:
- Core, a proven and unrestricted investment solution
- Resolve, investing in a greener and fairer future
- Index, investing with a keen eye on cost
The extent to which each style can be used is completely flexible and any combination of approach can be considered, used and adjusted as time goes on.
All of our strategies look to the future, however Resolve goes one step further – it champions funds that drive positive change today and innovate for a better tomorrow.
Investing in sectors which will drive the future global economy is especially exciting for us - themes that run throughout these managed portfolios include affordable and clean energy, responsible consumption and sustainable cities and communities, amongst others.
These opportunities are underpinned by the greatest universal challenges and the inherent growth potential in finding solutions.
At the heart of any successful investment strategy is a sound financial plan – in effect, a defined need to be targeting long-term growth.
We have been successfully making the complex simple for over 20 years. We have a strong belief that the best outcomes will be achieved when common sense is observed, the benefits of diversification are employed, the facts don’t lie, and an independent viewpoint considers all options.
Our services combine to bring planning and wealth management together in a coherent and effectual way.
Call in for a chat and a brew today and begin your journey to making the most of it.
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