Neil McMillan has been appointed as the latest president of ICAEW Lancashire and South Lakeland.
Neil is a partner at Chorley-based McMillan & Co. He was previously the organisation's deputy president under Hamish Hamilton, who led during 2018-2019.
Robert Sheffrin of the University of Central Lancashire takes up the role of deputy president.
Neil will support Lancashire and South Lakeland’s 1,780 members across the area, which forms part of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).
He will represent, promote and support chartered accountants in the region, overseeing the delivery of services for members including professional development courses, and a variety of technical and networking events.
The new president and committee invited local members to join them at the Annual General Meeting at the Marriott Hotel, Preston which was followed by a networking BBQ.
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