Lancashire Health Matters, which helps Lancashire SMEs sell to the NHS, has appointed Happy Creative as its marketing partner.
The Lancashire Health Matters Programme is a collaboration between the Innovation Agency (NHS) and UCLan and offers support to innovative SMEs across Lancashire who have products or services that make care better, safer, faster or more cost-effective. The Programme helps these companies move into the health and care sectors helping them sell to the NHS, or sell more to the NHS.
In the coming months Happy will be helping them raise visibility, build their brand and generate leads.
The work will initially involve market research to get to know more about the businesses that have already been helped by the Programme. Followed by an integrated marketing plan with a range of activities which will include the creation of content, PR and blogs, email campaigns, social media support, graphics and GIFs. All with the aim of ensuring that Lancashire businesses with an ambition to sell to the NHS do it more successfully.
Chief Happy Karen Lambert said: “Lancashire Health Matters offers a fantastic service to our fellow SMEs, one that can prove the vital difference in securing business-transforming contracts with the NHS. We’re thrilled to have been asked to help more companies connect with the Programme, and we’re delighted to be helping local SMEs access some major opportunities.”
The Selling to the NHS information event on Wed 6th April at UCLan, will share with Lancashire SMEs how to sell, or sell more to the NHS.