"Pipedream," a compelling short film by Aaron Dunleavy and Brody Salmon, tells the incredible story of Paul, a former offender who rebuilt his life with the support of Active Lancashire's 'Challenge through Sport Initiative' (CSI Programme).
Now leading community projects in Lancashire, Paul’s journey highlights how second chances can change lives.
Born into a dreamless world of violence, Paul reimagined his life, overcoming childhood addiction and criminality to pursue hope and human connection.
His journey of resilience and redemption sheds light on his difficult past and his inspiring turnaround, made possible through the support of Active Lancashire’s innovative programmes.
Today, as a programme leader for the organisation, Paul uses his lived experience to guide others on their paths to reintegration, helping them build purpose and stability within their communities.
Paul has shared his inspiring story for the Smiley Charity Film Awards.
His journey is a powerful testament to his transformation, as he now uses his experiences to help Lancashire residents improve their own lives through the Rossendale Works and WorkWell programmes.
The Smiley Charity Film Awards is the world’s largest campaign to promote cause-based films. Nearly half a million members of the public have voted in the awards, which celebrate the power of visual storytelling to drive change, spark conversation, and unite communities under the banner of philanthropy and creativity
"Pipedream" is in the running for the Smiley Charity Film Awards, and your vote can make a difference. Help us shine a light on the power of transformation and the impact of holistic community programmes by casting your vote for Paul's story of resilience and redemption.
Cast your vote here - https://smileycharityfilmawards.com/films/pipedream