Lancashire landlords are facing a crucial turning point as the government introduces new regulations requiring rental properties to achieve a minimum Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of C by 2030.
With potential enforcement beginning as early as 2025, property owners must act now to avoid penalties, maintain rental viability, and future-proof their investments.
This shift aims to improve tenant living conditions, reduce carbon emissions, and lower energy costs.
However, the financial implications for landlords are significant, with potential upgrade costs ranging from thousands to tens of thousands of pounds per property. As a result, many in the sector are calling for clear guidance, funding support, and expert-led solutions to navigate this transition.
The Challenge: Higher Standards, Higher Costs
Recent reports suggest that landlords could be required to invest in double glazing, insulation, and heat pumps to meet the new energy efficiency standards. Labour’s latest proposals emphasize the importance of sustainable homes, but concerns are rising about affordability, particularly in older housing stock prevalent in Lancashire.
Industry experts warn that the cost burden may lead to increased rents or even an exodus of landlords from the sector, exacerbating the UK’s rental housing crisis.
Despite these challenges, proactive landlords who take early steps can mitigate financial strain and unlock long-term cost savings.
The Solution: EcoGiants’ Full-Service Energy Upgrade Support
EcoGiants, a Lancashire-based specialist in energy efficiency solutions, is stepping in to provide a comprehensive service to help landlords meet new regulatory requirements efficiently and cost-effectively. The company offers:
Comprehensive Energy Surveys – Identifying necessary improvements to achieve compliance.
Access to Funding & Grants – Helping landlords secure government-backed financial assistance.
Full Project Management & Installation – Covering everything from insulation to solar panel systems.
Long-Term Energy Savings & Property Value Enhancement – Ensuring upgrades provide tangible benefits beyond compliance.
Christian Gillibrand, director at EcoGiants, said: “These new EPC regulations will have a huge impact on the rental market. Landlords who take action early will be in a much stronger position, both financially and legally. At EcoGiants, we’re committed to helping property owners make smart, cost-effective upgrades without unnecessary stress.”
Why Early Action Matters
With deadlines looming, landlords who delay improvements could find themselves facing steep costs without access to available grants and incentives.
By taking proactive measures now, property owners can avoid last-minute compliance panic, spread investment costs over time, and future-proof their properties against further regulatory changes.
EcoGiants are urging Lancashire landlords to take advantage of its expert-led support services to ease the transition. Whether through funding assistance, survey assessments, or full project management, EcoGiants is committed to making energy efficiency improvements as seamless and affordable as possible.
For more information or to book a free consultation, visit the EcoGiants website or call their team directly on: 01200 411830
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