During the pandemic most organisations have been in survival mode; or perhaps put more simply in flight, fight or freeze means. Paul Nugent, CEO, of The Santè Group, along with his Senior Management Team, wanted to audit the business to fully understand what they needed to implement to help their colleagues grow, feel secure and valued. Historically they had not been data-driven in how they had approached such matters.
Paul was aware of the work being undertaken at Business Health Institute. At BHI, we work with understanding the causation of stress and burnout, and then seek to implement targeted solutions to have the necessary and positive impact for constructive change, for all concerned.
As the CEO, Paul also recognised the relevance of ESG information to gain a more meaningful understanding of his corporate policy management and strategy. Our Wellbeing Asses analytical tool provided the quantitative data for the ‘social’ criteria for ESG. It measured around the company’s working conditions, whilst showing high regard for its employees’ health and safety, relations & diversity.
The ‘Wellbeing Assess’ is a workplace analytics system. It is a state-of-the art human factor and workplace risk diagnostics tool. It empowers CEO’s, Managers, HR, Executives, to answer critical human factor and work climate questions in support of:
Employees strategic (and operational) intent and capability to act. Business risk management, and Sustainable developmentWe know that what gets measured gets managed! Having quantitative metrics for any organisation forms the basis of control. Metrics makes the process objective rather than vague/subjective or which may depend on the personal opinion of an individual. Our data provides norm-based standards, which plays an important role, since they transform strategic, operational, and tactical performance to numbers that can be compared. As a result, management can objectively state whether the standards and quality are being met or not.
We conducted Wellbeing Assess with all The Santè Group; a top down, bottom-up approach was undertaken. For the first time ever, Paul had quantitative data that showed him which areas were doing well, but also where underperformance was in several key areas.
We were able to understand from the data if Santè Groups employees had the ‘can do’/’will do’ to achieve the organisations objectives.
When results are impaired, we are able to identify why and understand in greater detail if the job resources are depleted. An imbalance has a negative impact on productivity, engagement, turnover intention, as well as company loyalty.
The assessment’s results highlighted that the critical business risk was a drop in productivity allied to a rise in stress and burnout.
Based on the key risk factors identified, BHI collaborated with Dr Alka Patel, a GP and lifestyle coach, to design bespoke interventions to address the key risks. These were centred around supportive lifestyle measures, coaching sessions and a focus on supporting rest, recovery and physical activity.
After 12 months of working with The Santè Group we were able to undertake a longitudinal analysis. Our findings were as follows:
Productivity increased by almost 50% (adding £115,000) to the bottom line Burnout symptoms were reduced from 20% to 0% High work engagement was increased by 7%In addition to helping Santè Group put at targeted, data driven wellbeing programme in place, we also provided them with 11 times their original investment.
A thought to end on after a successful outcome – Organisations have data to measure their customer success, but do they have the data to know about their people?
If you would like similar results for your people and organisation and would like to make 2022 the best one yet, contact us for a complimentary 30 minute discovery call.
We know we can help you get similar results.
Contact info
Julie Blinkho or Jackie Connaghton
T: 01772 34584
E: [email protected] or [email protected]
W: www.businesshealthinstitute.co.uk