It’s never been more important for Lancashire SMEs to cut carbon and reduce energy costs, but how do you put together an action plan to deliver it?
Fortunately, that’s what the University of Central Lancashire’s (UCLan’s) MaCaW project (part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and supported by Boost, Lancashire’s business growth hub) does every day.
So here are five essential steps to cutting costs and carbon from your business.
Calculate your carbon footprint
If you want to cut your carbon, you’ll need to know what your current levels are.
Our free carbon audit and report is a simple but vitally important way of understanding how much CO2e you’re creating within the business and how much you could save by making changes.
Set a realistic action plan
You probably have some ideas of how you might save energy within the business.
But which are genuinely viable? And which will have the greatest impact?
The report will tell you so you can put realistic plans in place.
Implement key recommendations
Time to make those changes.
Bear in mind, though, that not every change costs money.
And for those that do, matched funding support may be able to help.
We regularly monitor your carbon reduction so you can see the difference you’re making.
Continuous further improvement
Keep going. Carbon reduction isn’t a once-only event. It’s an ongoing process, and we’ll help you take the next steps.
Enjoyed this? Read more from Mark Nelson, MaCaW Project, UCLan