At CRE8 Project & Building Consultancy we appreciate the challenges facing your commercial enterprise. Whether this be purchasing, leasing or leaving an old property behind, we are here at every step to provide you with the quality professional advice you require. We insist on helping you understand the condition of your buildings and the potential liabilities facing your future.
In this publication, CRE8’s Director William Rogers outlines the must have CRE8 Project & Building Consultancy services to ensure you remain protected.
Commercial Pre-Acquisition / Lease Building Survey
Purchasing or considering taking a new lease on a commercial property is a big decision to make. As Chartered Building Surveyors, we are often employed towards the end of a lease to review dilapidation claims from Landlords. It is however, critical to ensure we are involved from the outset of procuring new premises, at a point where we can best advise upon the potential liabilities facing your future and assist your solicitor in ensuring your lease is negotiated to suit your requirements.
At CRE8, we recommend a pre-acquisition / pre-lease building surveys is undertaken to help ensure you fully understand your responsibility and the potential liabilities facing you and your business.
Our surveys clearly outline the present condition of the property, providing a detailed breakdown of each building element, highlighting any defects, their most probable cause and a recommended course of action for repair and remedy. At CRE8, we employ the latest property technology surveying techniques such as thermal imaging and drone surveys to assist our investigations.
We provide an update shortly after completion of our inspection, followed by a written report within 5 working days thereafter; Understanding that communication and a quick service is critical when you are undertaking such transactions, this is a crucial factor of our service.
Schedule of Condition
When considering a new lease on a commercial property a Schedule of Condition is a very important document. Often overlooked by unsuspecting tenants, CRE8 Commercial Building Surveying insist on helping you minimise risk and your liabilities, to ensure your future property is fit for purpose to help you grow!
Establishing an accurate factual record of condition is critical to ensuring you limit your liability prior to entering into a new lease. When appended to and recorded within the lease, liability for repair of the building and reinstatement can be clearly identified. This will be very important when considering an exit strategy and your dilapidation liabilities towards the end of your lease.
Our Schedules of Condition provide an accurate written schedule, recording the condition of each building element, any existing defects and their likely repair costs. Our schedules are accompanied by sketch drawings, both photographic and video records to help provide additional support, along with any specific testing that may have been carried out.
Let's avoid any potential heartache during or at the end of your lease, get in touch with CRE8 Surveyors today for further information on how we can assist you!
William Rogers BSc (Hons) MBA MRICS FCMIDirectorCRE8 Project & Building Consultancy T: 07955249971