East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust has been called in to assist North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals by NHS Improvement.
NLaG has been placed in special measures for quality and finance earlier this year, and its is hoped that ELHT will be able to draw on its own experiences to assist a turnaround. East Lancashire was placed in special measures in 2013 and is now rated ‘Good’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).Kevin McGee, chief executive at ELHT said: "We are looking forward to sharing our experience and expertise, and supporting colleagues at NLAG as they respond to the challenges of being in 'special measures’.
"Like East Lancashire Hospitals, NLaG is a really important part of the local community. It has good services and great staff whose commitment, compassion and professionalism are the heart of the Trust. They are the key to achieving the progress that is now required.”He added: "We will be offering a unique support package comprised of a co-ordinated, structured programme over many months.”
NLaG was placed in financial special measures by NHS Improvement in March. And a month later, following a recommendation by the CQC, placed in special measures for quality.Dr Peter Reading, who was appointed as chief executive officer at NLAG last month, said: "This is a significant and welcome step, on what will be a challenging journey to make the necessary improvements, and ultimately, the healthcare services local people have a right to expect.
"Working with our patients, with local people, with our partners and other stakeholders, and now with our colleagues from East Lancashire, I believe we can take steps confidently, and boldly forward, and turn this Trust around, to be the organisation local people deserve, and can rightly feel proud of."The 'buddying' relationship between the two organisations will work on a number of levels, offering strategic advice and guidance, peer support, and hands on, practical work based on improving service delivery. That work will include initiatives to support quality, patient safety, stakeholder engagement and financial performance.