Deborah, from DT Information Governance suggests that if you are in business and deal with customer or staff data you will have heard of the GDPR and Data Protection Act (or I hope you have).
She reminds us that the DPA has been around for many years. In fact, 28 January is recognised as Data Protection Day linked to the date that the EU Convention 108 was signed way back in 1981.
But the whole concept of data protection seemed to gain more momentum with the EU GDPR and the implementation date of 25 May 2018.
I recall that this panicked a number of organisations whilst some put their head in the sand - "it's not for us", or "I don't do information" - the latter from a manager in my public sector organisation at the time.
Well, if you have staff or customers, you 'do' information and need to comply with the GDPR (EU and/or UK versions) and the DPA 2018. This is irrespective of whether you need to register with a Supervisory Authority (EU) or the Information Commissioner’s Office (UK).
The previous parliament looked to introduce a new Act to amend the GDPR and DPA to, in their words, 'make it easier for business to do trade.' I was never convinced that was going to be the outcome, nor convinced that the £ figures being bandied about were going to be achieved. We saw two versions of the Bill to introduce this Act. However, the election in 2024 and change of government meant this Bill did not make it through to the final stages.
We know have the introduction of the Data (Use and Access) Bill, which again, is proposing to make some amendments to the UK's approach to data protection and use of personal data. Some may be beneficial, others are “why?”. This Bill is currently making its way through the parliamentary process.
I have started to see webinars and articles on the proposed changes.
My personal view is that until we get closer to a final version and it makes it through the final stages of the process, let's not panic. It's good to find out more but there will be time to make any necessary changes our process, policies or procedures when we see the final version.