Video is incredibly effective at delivering messages, information, facts and figures but it’s only effective if the video is relevant to the viewer both in title, message, look and feel, and if the video creates the emotions and actions we need… which in the commercial world is to get a potential client to interact with us.
Every day we are bombarded with content through all the digital platforms and the majority gets deleted instantly.The more content we receive the more we get used to ignoring it, so it’s essential that any video content you or your company sends out is carefully crafted and thought through.
When we are creating a film, before the lens caps come off we make sure all involved in the production know the reason for the video in the first place, who is the film aimed at, what messages do we want to send and essentially, what do we want the viewer to think and do once they have seen the films.This then sets the scene for the creative process to begin, such as shot planning, filming and editing techniques and the best overall treatment to get the viewer to watch and take-action.
This approach combined with a focussed plan of how to get the content in front of your audience ensures your video campaign will be a success. If you would like to know more about how video can help your company grow, give us a call or pop in and see us. The kettle is always on.