At Physiofusion, our focus and priority is always you.
We have decided that we want to let the public choose our next therapy, ensuring we are always delivering a service that benefits and helps you. Through research and polls, we have chosen the 4 most voted therpaies which will then be ptted againt one another to crown 1 overall winner, which will then become our brand new therpies - adding more string to our bow.The choices have been between - Yoga, Nutritionist, Sleep Clinic and Mums & Tums (classes for women with new born babies or due to give birth).
Our first battle was between Yoga and Nutritionist, which saw Yoga with the most votes. Our next battle will be Sleep Clinic vs Mums & Tums.This is where we want you to cast your vote and choose who will face Yoga in the final.
To vote, just head over to our facebook page below and have your say!