Blackpool Business Expo – which is dedicated to supporting the town’s economy – will return for its fourth year on Wednesday, September 26.
Local and national exhibitors including Blackpool Unlimited and Baltic Training will be on hand to offer free business advice to visitors, and event partners Boost Business Lancashire will be sharing information on the support available for businesses looking to expand.
Launch Events North West‘We’ve already got some fantastic local businesses set to showcase their services, including hospitality experts Little Touches and health and safety specialists RKMS - along with a few plans up our sleeve to inject the ‘fun factor’, Blackpool style!”
https://www.launcheventsnw.co.uk/event/blackpool-business-expo-2018-2/For more information, please contact Nichola Howard of Launch Events at 07763633749 or email [email protected] (Header Image: L-R Angela Singleton and Grace Peat from Lancashire legal firm 828 will be returning to Blackpool Expo in September)
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