Hey Forward Thinker,
Think of the sat nav on your phone or in your car…
No matter how far away you’re from the place you want to get to…
Your destination…
It gets you there right?
You might have to divert for a number of reasons but…
It will get you there…
But how does it do it? Well…
It pinpoints where you’re RIGHT NOW…
Only when it knows that…
It can take you to where you want to get to…
And your business is the same…
You have a vision of what it looks like in the future…
And not just for your business but a vision of what kind of life you want to have…
And because we all know your business is the vehicle to get YOU to that future…
Then you need to be CLEAR on what that future looks like for your business…
And that’s important…
Super important…
Vital part of the whole puzzle…
However, you must know something first…
You must know where you’re starting…
Your starting point…
Start with where you are today…
Just like a sat nav does…
In today’s video I’m going to help you do that…
> Watch the video now by clicking here
Does that make sense?
Where is your business TODAY?
What is your starting point?
Hopefully this will help you on your journey to get your business to your destination…
So that you can have the kind of life you’ve always wanted…
Remember, you are just a step away…
Your Sherpa Guide,
Andy Henderson
P.S Not sure where to even start? Lets jump on a call where I will explain how Success GPS can help you create the business you’ve always wanted, and that in turn will help you to create the life you’ve always wanted too. Click here to book your free strategy call with me.