Team members at Blackburn Audi took part in a Valentine’s Fundraiser for charity.
Led by fleet administrator Marianne Mitchell the fundraiser saw several sweet treats for sale.
Marianne contacted the British Heart Foundation to ask about any fundraising events in their calendar, whilst there are no specific events for the charity throughout the year, Marianne was told that February is officially their fundraising ‘HEART’ month. Tying in perfectly with Valentine’s Day, she decided this was the opportunity to brighten up the winter months within the dealership.
Tucking into the delicious jam tarts, blondies, jammy dodgers and sweet cones, the Blackburn Audi team were able to spread the love this Valentine’s Day.
Raising a total of £90, the fundraising pot will now be split between the British Heart Foundation and the DEC Earthquake Appeal after the awful aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
Swansway Motor Group would like to say a big well done to Marianne and the team for getting involved, and for taking one of our three core values of Caring, Honest and Proud and putting it into practice by highlighting that there are many ways to show that you care on Valentine’s Day!