October 10th is World Mental Health Day. Each year on this date the World Health Organisation raises awareness of mental health around the world to encourage support and reduce stigma.
The theme for this year is being aware of the support you can give to those experiencing distress.There are over 350,000 people living in Lancashire with a mental health diagnosis. Poor mental health is invisible, we cannot see the emotional turmoil a person is experiencing nor the personal distress this turmoil causes.
We can, however, do more to raise awareness of mental health to reduce stigma and discrimination. In dispelling the myths, through education and awareness raising, more people can step forward and speak out about their experiences. Speaking to someone at an early stage can aid recovery and ensure you get the right care at the right time. Remember being silent is not being strong.... Share what your workplace did to raise awareness and end stigma and discrimination with Lancashire Mind on Twitter using #lancsworkwellbeing.