Our agency, Bespoke, has been generating B2B leads online for over 20 years, and I'm aware of how difficult many people find what can actually be a relatively straightforward task.
So today I'm sharing a simple mindset you can adopt to help improve your own flow of leads.
This first step to better performance is simply changing the name of the activity.
Many people that contact us at Bespoke tell us about the marketing activity they've been doing. They have a marketing plan, and perhaps have hired one or more dedicated in-house marketing staff. Yet still not much in the way of results.
Leads often flow after we rename the activity as lead generation, and begin tracking numbers of leads on a board on the wall. Lead generation is an outcome. Marketing is an output. The language influences how we approach the task.
By way of example, for many businesses there's lots of marketing activity, and reporting is focused on that activity. Hours spent and tasks completed are counted. New social posts, blogs and videos are celebrated. Everybody feels busy, they're working hard.
For those with a steady flow of leads, there's a quite narrow focus of very high quality activity. There's deep research and deep understanding of tactics.
Campaigns launch and leads flow in. Everybody feels calm, highly skilled, and in control.
There's more to this of course, but everything starts with the right mindset.
Renaming marketing as lead generation is a simple step you can take today to move towards a consistent flow of exactly the quality and quantity of leads you need.
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