The past few years have heralded a number of key changes in employment law. So far in 2016 we have already seen legislation giving employees on zero hours contracts protection rights against employers trying to exercise exclusivity clauses.
New national living wage
Hourly national minimum wage rates will also apply for the various other age brackets.
Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015A number of changes under the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 are also anticipated to take effect in 2016. Expected to include increased powers for the enforcement of tribunal awards and settlements against employers, including financial penalties, and a requirement for the repayment of exit payments paid to high earners in the public sector if they return to work within 12 months, key implementation dates are yet to be announced.
Mandatory gender pay reportingFollowing much anticipation, regulations setting out a new requirement for large companies to provide data on gender pay have been released. It will become mandatory for employers with over 250 members of staff to provide information regarding how they pay male and female staff, but not until 2017. The first government report showing the trends collated from company submissions will be published in 2018. In addition to the above new legislation, it will be interesting to note the decisions made in a number of key employment cases from which we expect rulings to be made this year. We'll keep you up to date with rulings as they occur, so keep a look out for updates and information on our blog.