This is a regular monthly meet-up aimed to bring local digital and tech businesses together to meet and connect. Attendees can simply come to the lunchtime meet-up or take up the option to work at Society1 at a discounted rate for the day and join in the meet-up around lunchtime whilst making the most of the facilities available.
The Tech Meet-Up is held 12 noon – 1pm on the ground floor, hosted by Lancashire Digital Hub.
What to expect from this monthly meet-up, hosted by Lancashire Digital Hub :
- Each month there will be a guest speaker / topic facilitator to get the meet-up started.
- Following this there will be opportunity to join the discussion. There will also be an opportunity the get to know other attendees with some time for informal networking. The meet-up will last for for around an hour (12 noon – 1pm)
- Following our guest speaker’s presentation, there will be opportunity to join the discussion. There will also be an opportunity the get to know other attendees with some time for informal networking. The meet-up will last for for around an hour (12 noon – 1pm)
Our Speaker for May is Mark Dunbavan.
Title of the talk: “What does headless ecommerce mean and how can an online shop take advantage of it?”
Description: This talk will delve into headless ecommerce and talk about how headless solutions are driving online stores into a much more user orientated direction delivering a brand story within their product collection and bringing editorial content closer to their product range. We will dive into what Headless Commerce means, we will explore some online shops that do it very well and discuss options out there for technical teams to implement that can deliver this solution.
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