As part of the HR3 Academy we understand that business leaders and managers not only need to keep up to date with new and current legislation but also current concepts and theories surrounding their businesses and the people within it.
Therefore in line with this commitment, we have introduced new learning topics specifically designed coherent to strategic business matters.
This half-day interactive training session will assist HR managers and line managers in effectively managing and satisfying their statutory obligations in relation to equal opportunities and provide your team with the required know-how to limit the potential for future employment claims.
This workshop will provide a practical overview on:
- The legal framework surrounding equal opportunities and your statutory obligations
- How to handle equal opportunities complaints on an informal and formal basis
- Guidance on your internal procedures and how to use them effectively
- Assist you in establishing your statutory defence
*Please note that on completion of the Equal Opportunities session, we will provide delegates with a certificate of attendance which will assist you in establishing the statutory defence should a discrimination claim arise.*
There will be a cost of £75 + VAT per delegate (£50 + VAT for HR3 members).
As part of our programme of workshops, we will also be covering the following over the next 12 months from a range of venues across Lancashire:
• 27 January - Investigations, Disciplinary and Grievances
• 24 February - Management and Leadership
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