Learn from the experts and be inspired by the businesses
Brought to you by Lancashire Business View, in association with Amber River True Bearing and University of Central Lancashire, this event is for those looking to learn from health and wellbeing experts and be inspired by businesses who are successful in supporting their teams to be happy and healthy.
We are living in different times and our people now want more than just a job. Work-life balance is important and flexible roles that offer more than just a salary are becoming a must.
Businesses embracing health and wellbeing strategies are attractive to prospective employees and also see retention rates improve.
Through interviews, masterclasses and breakout activities attendees will be provided with key take-aways that can be implemented quickly in the workplace to make a real difference.
The Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Conference will feature:
- Mental health panel
- Physical health panel
- Financial wellbeing masterclass
- Menopause for employers masterclass
- YOLO Wellbeing session
- Breakout activities
- Exhibition and networking opportunities
New for this year, we are bringing financial wellbeing into the conversation.
We know that household incomes are strained and financial worry can be a major cause of stress that affects productivity and focus.
The event will look at ways in which you can help your employees understand their finances and support staff in this key area that affects all aspects of life.
The event will be reviewed in full in Lancashire Business View’s Health and Wellbeing Report in our May/June edition and shared with our 50,000 readers in print and online.
If you work in the sector, please get in touch with us directly about sponsoring, speaker and exhibitor opportunities.
For sponsorship opportunities including exhibition options please contact Stephen Bolton on [email protected] or 07966 090175.
Our speakers:

John Addis
associate director, chartered financial planner
Amber River True Bearing

Cheryle Britton
YOLO Wellbeing

David Dunwell
Lancashire Mind

Sally Leech
training director
Henpicked: Menopause in the Workplace

Lisa Lewis
group health and safety manager
The Senator Group

Stephen Robinson
founder and lead mental health wellbeing coach
It’s Mental

Dave Scholes
Six Connections

Adrian Wright
associate dean, school of business
University of Central Lancashire
Individual tickets - £50 +VAT
Pair of tickets - £90 +VAT
Tickets include access to full event programme plus light breakfast, refreshments and lunch.