Moving your business forward takes confidence in your service, your product and yourself.
In this event with Zara Myers from Harness Change, we will reflect on our view of ourselves and how that comes across to others using the unique process of equine-facilitated learning.
Format for the day
We will start the day with an introduction to the centre and the facilitators.
We will then begin with a friendly icebreaker exercise to get your self-reflection muscles working before we start the work with the horses in the arena.
Once we have got to know each other a little better and what our goals and outcomes are for the workshop we will then begin the work with the horses.
This process can be daunting at first but you will have plenty of time to get to know the horse you will be working with and you will receive one-to-one coaching on your leadership skills getting feedback from the horse and our facilitators to help you develop new skills and confidence!
If time allows we will have a go at a group exercise, encouraging you to reflect on how you work with us and what habitual behaviours come to the forefront. At the end of the day, there will be a chance for refreshments and networking.
Booking link
About Zara Myers
Zara Myers is the founder and director of Harness Change. Harness Change is an innovative company that is, through Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL), dedicated to developing people and businesses in their professional, personal and well-being goals.
Horses are complex and sensitive animals that instinctively form strong bonds both with other horses and the people around them.
Zara has studied and trained horses all her life and through this experience, she identified a method of using this connection to provide a unique training environment where clients receive instant feedback, which they can see for themselves.
Each person brings a different mindset to the training. The horse can sense this and the client will receive back a unique and distinct response from the horse.
Zara has worked as a management consultant at a senior level delivering leadership programmes and assessment programs. She is passionate about getting tangible, clear-cut results for people and businesses.
Harness Change workshops aren’t just about feeling good about yourself, although that’s also an outcome, they create visible results that have a clear ROI and positive impact on your business.
Zara has coached across a range of industries. from directors of international companies and professional athletes to vulnerable people.
Jacqui Gale MBE, CCO Portmerion group and CEO WAX LYRICAL
"Change is always challenging and we are seeing unprecedented change throughout the world now more than ever. Finding the right professional combination of development for my team was essential.
"I first came across equine facilitated learning a few years ago and very quickly benefited from the results. As a business leader and one that has had to cope with a lot of change I would highly recommend you think differently in the approach to learning and working together.
"Harness change is a perfect combination of Zara's business coaching skills, board/classroom learning and working with her team of horses. It has a true balanced and speedy effect on learning. What I/we have learned in working with Harness change would normally take six months to train or learn, this combination of unique skills has produced speedy and effective results.
"I truly believe if not for Harness Change we would not have been able to understand ourselves in the way we do now. The benefits speak for themselves in results to the business. Had not been for Zara and her equine team we would still be at the early stages of our development together and would still be trying to figure it all out."